The Vagiant

Hello! I’ve been quiet for 9 weeks since the second Womb Raider made his appearance. During these 9 weeks I have had absolutely zero time to myself, let alone time to write an update….but here I am. What a ride! I mentioned in my first pregnancy the freakish and unwelcome new form my v-jay-jay took…

Jingle Bells

Every two years for the past four years, I have found myself suddenly and unexpectedly pregnant. Ok, so that last bit is a lie. But perhaps the suddenly bit is kind of accurate. I have discovered the existence of both of my womb raiders existence on New Years Eve – meaning The Festive Season has been rather productive…

Call the Doctor.

Find out what it feels like to be sick for 5 entire weeks at 30+ weeks pregnant.

Exit strategy.

So much for Womb Raider Wednesdays where I promised a weekly update on all things Raider and Home Invader. No time! I am now almost 29 weeks pregnant with Womb Raider # 2 and things are progressing with alarming speed. A few weeks ago The Husband, Home Invader (artist formerly known as the Womb Raider…

Death to Hipsters.

Personal grooming takes a back seat once you become a mum. Gross understatement of the century? Perhaps. But true none the less. There is simply less time to maintain appearances when you have kids to look after, and so the upkeep gets a bit neglected. I shower at least once a day, sometimes twice depending…

A slight imbalance.

So, apparently, I am a nasty bitch. Well, according to The Husband anyway, most other people who know me think I’m wonderful. You see, these past 12 weeks of being pregnant with the new Womb Raider have been a little bit challenging, and The Husband has unfortunately borne the brunt of it. Pregnancy can make…

The Womb Raider 2: Return to the Temple of Womb.

I’m pregnant again. Holy shit! This means another Womb Raider is on it’s way with a due date perilously close to the original Womb Raiders 2nd birthday. In fact, it’s due 2 days before! Some might say this is very clever timing, pretty much bang on two years is quite a lucky coincidence wouldn’t you…

Let’s talk about Poo Number 2.

Now that I have gotten my head around this blogging thing I’ve been fascinated with what has struck a chord with my readers. It seems the most popular topics are poo, my dubious parenting skills and the horror of birth. I guess it’s like a car crash, you just can’t help but take a look….

The Avocado Power Spew.

For the first 6 months of the Womb Raiders life I had bragged about her iron constitution. I’d put it down to her diet of breast milk from the famous overworked cannons and the occasional organic solid meal now that she’d reached weaning age. Never had we so much as a snot or a snort…

The Human Napkin

Toddlers are messy. “No shit.” I hear you say? Well, actually, there is quite a bit of shit. But the mess I am talking about is not strictly about bodily excretions. Now that the Womb Raider has turned one and is missioning around the house, crawling and cruising the furniture, things have become a lot…

Happy Birthday

Today marks one year since the birth of my little Womb Raider. I can hardly believe it as I type this because it’s gone so incredibly fast! Over the past year I’ve written all kinds of stuff about us, but never really delved into how she made it into the world. So here goes…… *WARNING…

Mother of the Year

Mother (or Father) of the Year is a dubious honour awarded to parents when they utterly fuck up the gig of parenting. It’s delivered when you have either done something or allowed something to happen to your child that you really hope nobody else but you saw. It could be potentially life threatening, embarrassing, or…